1. Trace a Report
A) report profile
(Tools -> Preferences >Runtime Settings>Profile)
| Reports Profiler statistics |
Total Elapsed Time: 29.00 seconds
Reports Time: 24.00 seconds (82.75% of TOTAL)
Oracle Time: 5.00 seconds (17.24% of TOTAL)
UPI: 1.00 seconds
SQL: 4.00 seconds
TOTAL CPU Time used by process: N/A
From the profile, it is possible to see the execution time (total elapsed time) for the report, the amount of time that was spent formatting the retrieved data (Reports Time) and the amount of time spent waiting for the data to be retrieved (Oracle Time). UPI time is the time spentestablishing the database connection and parsing and executing the SQL. The SQL time is the time spent while the database server fetches the data (percent of time spent executing SRW.DO_SQL() statements, EXEC_SQL statements, PL/SQL Cursors, etc.).
B) Trace a Report
(Tools -> Trace)
c:\rwrun60 report=emp.rdf userid=scott/tiger@orcl desformat=pdf
tracemode=replace tracefile=emp.lis traceopts=trace_prf
command line arguments for this option include TRACEMODE and TRACEOPTS.
TRACEMODE specifies whether to replace or append to the existing trace log file.
TRACEOPTS is used to specify the events to record within the log file.
where tracefile is any valid file name in which the trace
information will be logged.
where TRACE_APPEND overwrites the contents of the tracefile.
where TRACE_ERR - list error messages and warnings.
TRACE_PRF - performance statistics
TRACE_APP - information on all the report objects.
TRACE_PLS - information on all PL/SQL objects.
TRACE_SQL - Information on all SQL.
TRACE_TMS - timestamp for each entry in file.
TRACE_DST - distribution lists. This may be useful to determine
which section was sent to which destination.
TRACE_ALL - all possible information. (DEFAULT)
Trace cannot be used on a .rep file.
Options can be combined on the command line. For example the TRACEOPTS=(TRACE_APP,
TRACE_PRF) means that the log file will contain information on all report objects and
performance statistics.
2. SQL Tuning
In Oracle Reports 6 users can turn on SQL trace without modifying the report
simply by using the command line option SQLTRACE=YES|NO.
Once a trace file has been generated, theTKPROF database utility can be used to generate an EXPLAIN PLAN, which is a map of the execution plan used by the Oracle Optimizer.
3. PL/SQL Tuning in report builder.
PL/SQL that perform a significant amount of database operations will perform better if it is implemented as stored database procedures. These stored procedures will run on the Oracle database and so they can perform the operations more quickly than PL/SQL that is local to the report (which would use the PL/SQL parser in reports, then the SQL parser in the database and include a network trip as well). The opposite is true if the PL/SQL does not involve any database operations. In this case the PL/SQL should be coded as locally as possible using the program units node in the report object navigator.
Accessing to data tuning
If the performance tools show that a report is spending a large amount of time accessing data from the database, then it is often beneficial to review the structure of the data and how it is being used. A bad schema design can have a dramatic effect on the performance of a reporting system. For example, an overly normalized data-model can result in many avoidable joins or queries.
Columns used in the WHERE clause should be indexed. The impact of indexes used on the
columns in the master queries of a report will be minor as these queries will only access the database once. However, for a significant performance improvement indexes should be used on any linked columns in the detail query. A lack of appropriate indexes can result in many full-table scans which can have a major impact
on performance.
When performing calculations within a report (either through summary or formula columns), the general rule of thumb is the more calculations that can be performed within the SQL of the report queries, the better. If the calculations are included in the SQL, then they are performed before the data is retrieved by the database, rather than the performed on the retrieved data by the Report.
Database-stored user-defined PL/SQL functions can also be included in the query select list. This is more efficient then using a local PL/SQL function (e.g. in a formula column), since the calculated data is returned as part of the result set from the database.
Ideally a report should have no redundant queries (queries which return data which is not required in the report), since they will clearly have an effect on performance. In general, the fewer queries you have the faster your report will run. So, single query data models tend to execute more quickly than multi-query data models. However, situations can arise where a report not only needs to
produce a different format for different users, but also needs to utilize different query statements. Clearly this could be achieved by producing two different reports, but it may be desirable to have a single report for easier maintenance. In this instance, the redundant queries should be disabled by use of the SRW.SET_MAXROW() procedure.
The following code in the Before Report trigger will disable either Query_Emp or Query_Dept depending on a user parameter:
IF :Parameter_1 = 'A' then
The only meaningful place to use SRW.SET_MAXROW() is in the Before Report trigger (after the query has been parsed). If SRW.SET_MAXROW() is called after this point then the SRW.MAXROW_UNSET packaged exception is raised.
The query will still be parsed and bound, but no data will be returned to the report.
Limiting the number of break groups can improve the performance of a report. For each column in the data model that has the break order property set (except the lowest child group), Oracle Reports appends this as an extra column to the ORDER BY clause for the appropriate query.
Clearly, the fewer columns in the ORDER BY clause, the less work the database has to do before returning the data in the required order. The creation of a break group may make an ORDER BY clause defined as part of the query redundant. If this is the case then the redundant ORDER BY should be removed, since this will require extra processing on the database.
If the report requires the use of break groups, then care should be taken to ensure that the break order property is set for as few columns in the break group as possible. A break order column is indicated by a small triangle or arrow to the left of the column name in the group in the data model. Each break group above the lowest child group of a query requires at least one column within in to have the break order property set. Simply taking the break order off columns where
sorting is not required can also increase performance. Try to limit break groups to a single column. These columns should be as small as possible and be
database columns (as opposed to summary or formula columns) wherever feasible. Both of these conditions can help the local caching that Oracle Reports does before the data is formatted for maximum efficiency. Clearly, these conditions cannot always be met, but will increase efficiency when utilized.
The following profile output was generated by the same report that generated the profile output on page 2. With the original run, no break orders were set, to generate the following profile all columns had break order set:
| Reports Profiler statistics |
Total Elapsed Time: 34.00 seconds
Reports Time: 26.00 seconds (76.47% of TOTAL)
Oracle Time: 8.00 seconds (23.52% of TOTAL)
UPI: 1.00 seconds
SQL: 7.00 seconds
TOTAL CPU Time used by process: N/A
The SQL took about twice as long to run with break order set. As background, this report is a single query tabular report that retrieves about 20 records from about 500000 present in the table,where the table resides in a well-structured and well-indexed database.
The main use for group filters in the database is to reduce the number of records retrieved from the database. When using a group filter, the query is still passed to the database and all the data is returned to reports, where the filtering will take place. Therefore, even if the filter is defined to only displays the top five records, the result set returned to reports will contain all the records
returned by the query. For this reason, it is usually more efficient to incorporate the functionality of the group filter into the query WHERE clause, or into the maximum rows property of the query wherever possible.
This will restrict the data returned by the database.
As with most operations in Reports, there are a number of ways to create data models that include more than one table. Consider, for example, the standard case of the dept/emp join, i.e., the requirement is to create a report that lists all the employees in each department in the company. In Reports the user can either use the following in a single query:
Select d.dname, e.ename
From emp e, dept d
Where e.deptno(+) = d.deptno
Or they can create two queries
Select deptno, dname from dept
Select deptno, ename from emp
and create a column link between the two on deptno.
When designing the data model in the report, it is preferable to minimize the actual number of queries by using fewer, larger (multi-table) queries, rather than several simpler (single-table) queries. Each time a query is issued, Oracle Reports needs to parse, bind and execute a cursor. A single query report is therefore able to return all the required data in a single cursor rather than many. Also be aware that with master-detail queries, the detail query will be re-parsed, re-bound and re-executed for each master record retrieved. In this instance it is often more efficient to
merge the two queries and use break groups to create the master-detail effect.
It should be noted, however, that the larger and more complex a query gets, the more difficult it can be to maintain. Each site needs to decide at what point to balance the performance versus the maintenance requirements.
FORMATTING THEFormatting the Data Tuning
FORMATTING THE DATA Once the data has been retrieved from the database, Reports needs to format the output following the layout model that the user has created. The time taken to generate the layout is dependent on a number of factors, but in general it comes down to how much work is involved in preventing an object from being overwritten by another object and the efficiency of any calculations or functions performed in the format triggers.
When generating a default layout Oracle Reports puts a frame around virtually every object, so that it is protected from being overwritten when the report is run. At runtime, every layout object (frames, fields, boilerplate, etc.) is examined to determine the likelihood of that object being overwritten. In some situations (for example boilerplate text column headings), there is clearly no risk of the objects being overwritten and hence the immediately surrounding frame can be removed. This reduces the number of objects that Oracle Reports has to format and hence
improves performance. Similarly, when an object is defined as having an undefined size (variable, expanding or contracting in either or both the horizontal and vertical directions) then extra processing is required since Oracle Reports must determine that instance of the object's size before formatting that object and
those around it. If this sizing can be set to fixed then this additional processing is not required, since the size and positional relationships between the objects is already known.
Furthermore, instead of truncating a character string from a field in the Report Builder Layout, it is better to use the SUBSTR function in the report query to truncate the data at the database level. This reduces unnecessary processing and formatting after the data retrieval.
Format triggers have two major purposes:
Dynamically disable and enable objects at runtime.
Dynamically change the appearance of an object at runtime.
Care should always be exercised when using format triggers, since the triggers do not only fire for every instance of their associated object produced, but every time the object is formatted at runtime.
These two scenarios may sound the same, but consider the following situation: A tabular report includes a single repeating frame that can expand vertically and has page protect set on. As this report is formatted, there is room for one more line at the bottom of the first page. Reports starts to format the next instance of the repeating frame and fires its associated format trigger. One of the objects inside the repeating frame is found to have expanded and this instance of the repeating
frame is therefore moved to the following page and the format trigger for the repeating frame is fired again. Hence, although the repeating frame only appears once (at the top of the second page), the format trigger has fired twice. Because you can not be sure how many times a format trigger will fire for a particular object, DML should not be performed in a format trigger. With the example above, had the format trigger contained an INSERT statement then two rows of data would have been inserted.
Format triggers should also be placed at the highest level possible in the object/frame hierarchy, so that the trigger fires at the lowest possible frequency. For example:
Format Trigger at the
field level must be
executed 4 times,
once for each field.
Format Trigger at the
Frame level
executed only once !
When defining any triggers or PL/SQL program units within Oracle Reports, it is important to maximize the efficiency of the code. For example, if the display attributes of a field are to change dynamically (for example, to draw attention to values outside the norm), then the attributes should be changed using the individual built-ins such as SRW.SET_TEXT_COLOR. For general PL/SQL tuning issues, please refer to the PL/SQL Users Guide and Reference.Reports performance can be improved by giving layout objects (e.g., frames and repeating frames) a transparent border and fill pattern. Transparent objects do not need to be rendered in a bitmapped file. As a result, processing is faster when objects are transparent.
The following guidelines can improve performance when creating or changing a report layout:
· Make your non-graphical layout objects (e.g. boilerplate text or fields with text) fixed in size --that is, set theVertical and Horizontal Elasticity property of the field to Fixed. In particular,making repeating frames and their contents fixed in size can improve performance. Nongraphical objects that are variable in size require more processing because Report Builder must determine their size before formatting them. Non-graphical objects that are fixed in size do not require this additional processing because their size is already known.
· Make your graphical layout objects (e.g., images and Oracle Graphics objects) variable in size -- that is, Vertical and Horizontal Elasticity of Variable. Graphical objects that are fixed in size usually need to have their contents scaled to fit inside of the object. Scaling an object's contents requires more processing. If the object is variable in size, it can grow or shrink with the contents and scaling is not necessary.
· Specify Reduce Image Resolution for image objects whose size you reduce. (This option is available as a drawing option under the Format menu). When you reduce the size of an image,it requires less information to display it than when it was larger. Reduce Image Resolution eliminates the unnecessary information and reduces the amount of space needed to store the image. This can be particularly useful for large, multi-colored images.
· Make fields that contain text one line long and ensure that their contents fit within their specified width (e.g., by using the SUBSTR function). If a field with text spans more than one line, then Report Builder must use its word-wrapping algorithm to format the field. Ensuring that a field only takes one line to format avoids the additional processing of the word-wrapping algorithm.
· Minimize the use of different formatting attributes (e.g., fonts) within the same field or boilerplate text. If text in a field or boilerplate object contains numerous different formatting attributes, it requires longer to format.
Oracle Reports provides the report developer with the ability to display data such as total number of pages, or grand totals in the report margins, or on the report header pages. This is an extremely useful function, but has the requirement that the entire report is ‘fetched ahead’, therefore the entire report is processed before the first page can be output. The usual Oracle Reports model is to format pages on an as-needed basis. Using the read-ahead functionality will not affect the
overall time that the report takes to generate, but it does affect the amount of temporary storage required and the amount of time taken before the first page can be viewed in the Live Previewer or Previewer (if running to Screen). This is an example of the perceived performance as opposed to the actual performance. If the report is going to be run to the screen in the production environment then read-ahead should be avoided unless the performance is deemed acceptable.
With the introduction of report bursting in Reports 6.0, a report layout can be made up of three distinct sections: a header, body and trailer. A report can now comprise all three of these sections or it could be viewed as three separate reports within one report. This is made possible by a set of properties each individual section. The performance gain is evident when bursting is used in conjunction with another feature new to Reports 6.0 - Distribution. This allows each section of a
report to have multiple different formats and be sent to multiple destinations. Once the distribution options have been set the report needs only to be run once to be output to multiple destinations with a single execution of the query(s) where previously it would have required the report to be
run multiple times.
Calling report from FORMs
In an application built using Oracle Forms and Oracle Reports, it's often the case that some kind of report is required on data that has already been retrieved/updated by the Oracle Forms section of the application. The tight product integration between the Oracle Forms and Oracle Reports components allows for the passing of blocks of data between the associated products, thus removing the need for subsequent queries to the database. Between Forms and Reports, this passing of data is achieved by use of record groups and data parameters, then using the
Run_Product built-in procedure. Run_Product is being replaced by Run_Report_Object for calling Reports from Forms. This paper will not discuss the details of converting Run_Product to Run_Report_Object, except to say that it is advisable to migrate towards this new built-in when reviewing performance efficiencies.
Unless these data parameters are reasonably large, or the queries are particularly complicated then the perceived performance improvements would be negligible. It should also be noted that only top-level groups in a report can accept data parameters passed from Forms. When calling a report from Forms, Reports could re-query the data, but it is more efficient to have Forms create a record group to hold the data and pass that along as a parameter to Reports. This technique is referred to as query partitioning. This means that Oracle Reports will do no work on
querying and will only be responsible for the formatting of the data. This means that any dynamic alteration of queries (via triggers and lexical parameters) will be ignored. The first time that a report is called from a form using run_product on a Windows platform then the Reports background engine will be loaded into memory. Putting the background engine executable in the start-up group so that it is initialized every time Windows is booted up can hide this start-up cost.