how to Kill Oracle Session
sometime one oracle session can make you tension.
for this you have to kill that session immediately.
but how ?
what is best way to kill a session ?
when which way you choose ?
First way :-
via SQL* PLUS utility:
In order to use SQL*PLUS Approach, first we need to find out the SID, SERIAL# of the Session
which we want to kill. The following command to find the session and kill the session .
SQL> select username,sid,serial#,terminal from v$session;
SQL> alter system kill session ‘SID, SERIAL#’;
[note :
When we issue the above statement, It terminates a session, rolls back ongoing transactions,
releases all session locks, frees all session resources.
If the session is performing some activity that must be completed
(e.g. waiting for a reply from a remote database or rolling back a transaction),
Oracle waits for this activity to complete, kills the session then returns control.
If the wait lasts for 60 seconds then Oracle marks the session to be killed,
and returns control with a message that the session is marked to be killed.
It then gets killed when the activity is complete.
This is the best way. and Oracle recommended way.
Second way :-
via KILL Command (for Unix/Linux)
To kill the sessions using KILL Command, we need to find out the SPID ( Server Process ID)
of the Oracle Session.
To find out a spid of a specific session
SQL> SELECT s.sid,p.spid, s.osuser, s.programFROM
v$process p, v$session s
WHERE p.addr = s.paddr
and s.sid=<:your_given_sid>;
Then issue the KILL Command
$ kill -9 SPID
[Note: Do not kill the sessions at the OS level (as per as possible).
This is not Oracle Recommendation way ]
Third way :-
via ORAKILL Command (in Windows command prompt)
To kill the sessions using ORAKILL Command ( Windows), we need to find out the SPID of Session
and ORACLE_SID of your Oracle Database. Then issue ORAKILL Command
To find out a spid of a specific session
SQL> SELECT s.sid,p.spid, s.osuser, s.programFROM
v$process p, v$session s
WHERE p.addr = s.paddr
and s.sid=<:your_given_sid>;
Then issue the orakill Command
C:\> orakill ORACLE_SID SPID
[Note: Do not kill the sessions at the OS level (as per as possible).
This is not Oracle Recommendation way ]
Halim, a Georgia Tech graduate Senior Database Engineer/Data Architect based in Atlanta, USA, is an Oracle OCP DBA and Developer, Certified Cloud Architect Professional, and OCI Autonomous Database Specialist. With extensive expertise in database design, configuration, tuning, capacity planning, RAC, DG, scripting, Python, APEX, and PL/SQL, he combines technical mastery with a passion for innovation. Notably, Halim secured 16th place worldwide in PL/SQL Challenge Cup Playoff on the year 2010.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Export backup script of oracle database
Export backup script of oracle database
You can let Export prompt you for parameters by entering the EXP
command followed by your username/password:
Or, you can control how Export runs by entering the EXP command followed
by various arguments. To specify parameters, you use keywords:
Format: EXP KEYWORD=value or KEYWORD=(value1,value2,...,valueN)
or TABLES=(T1:P1,T1:P2), if T1 is partitioned table
USERID must be the first parameter on the command line.
Keyword Description (Default)
======= =====================
USERID- username/password
BUFFER- size of data buffer
FILE - output files (EXPDAT.DMP)
COMPRESS- import into one extent (Y)
GRANTS - export grants (Y)
INDEXES - export indexes (Y)
DIRECT - direct path (N)
LOG - log file of screen output
ROWS - export data rows (Y)
CONSISTENT - cross-table consistency(N)
FULL - export entire file (N)
OWNER - list of owner usernames
TABLES - list of table names
RECORDLENGTH - length of IO record
INCTYPE - incremental export type
RECORD- track incr. export (Y)
TRIGGERS- export triggers (Y)
STATISTICS- analyze objects (ESTIMATE)
PARFILE - parameter filename
CONSTRAINTS - export constraints (Y)
OBJECT_CONSISTENT- transaction set to read only during object export (N)
FEEDBACK - display progress every x rows (0)
FILESIZE - maximum size of each dump file
FLASHBACK_SCN - SCN used to set session snapshot back to
FLASHBACK_TIME - time used to get the SCN closest to the specified time
QUERY - select clause used to export a subset of a table
RESUMABLE - suspend when a space related error is encountered(N)
RESUMABLE_NAME - text string used to identify resumable statement
TTS_FULL_CHECK -perform full or partial dependency check for TTS
TABLESPACES - list of tablespaces to export
TRANSPORT_TABLESPACE- export transportable tablespace metadata (N)
TEMPLATE -template name which invokes iAS mode export
With Example
In CMD command line window.
Export help
exp -help
exp -help
Export user
exp userid=
exp halim/halim
Export File Name
exp userid= FILE=
exp halim/halim file=c:\emp\uw_test.dmp
Log File Name
exp userid= LOG=
exp halim/halim log=c:\emp.log
Buffer size -- O/S dependent and can usually be ignored
exp userid= BUFFER=
-- rows_in_array * maximum_row_size
exp halim/halim buffer=64000
Compress (default is Y) -- The default is Y and it is best to override it.
exp userid= COMPRESS=
exp halim/halim compress=N
Consistent (default is N) -- Implements SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY
exp userid= CONSISTENT=
exp halim/halim file=c:\emp\cnsstnt.dmp consistent=Y
Constraints (default is Y)
exp userid= CONSTRAINTS=
exp halim/halim file=c:\emp\cnstrnt.dmp constraints=N
Direct Path (default is N)
exp userid= DIRECT=
exp halim/halim file=c:\emp\dirpath.dmp direct=Y
Feedback (default is 0)
exp userid= FEEDBACK=
exp halim/halim file=c:\emp\back.dmp feedback=100
File Size (default unlimited)
exp userid= FILESIZE= [KB|MB]
exp halim/halim file=c:\emp\size.dmp filesize 100MB
Flashback By SCN
exp userid= FLASHBACK_SCN=
exp halim/halim file=c:\emp\bscn.dmp flashback_scn=4567892
Flashback By Timestamp
exp userid= FLASHBACK_TIME=
exp halim/halim FLASHBACK_TIME="TIMESTAMP '2002-05-01 11:00:00'"
exp halim/halim flashback_time="TO_TIMESTAMP('12-02-2001 14:35:00','DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')"
Full -- Yes requires the user to have the EXP_FULL_DATABASE role
exp userid= FULL=
exp halim/halim full=Y
exp userid= GRANTS=
exp halim/halim grants=N
exp userid= INDEXES=
exp halim/halim indexes=N
Object Consistent
exp halim/halim object_consistent=Y
exp userid= OWNER=(o1, o2, ... o#)
exp halim/halim owner=(halim, ids, webapps)
Parameter File
exp userid= PARFILE=
exp halim/halim parfile=c: emp\uwparfile.ctl
exp userid= QUERY=
exp halim/halim owner=SCOTT tables=emp
query=\"WHERE job=\'MANAGER\' AND sal \>50000\"
exp scott/tiger@orcl file=C:/emp_depno.dmp tables=emp query=\"where deptno=10\"
Record Length
exp userid= RECORDLENGTH=
exp halim/halim recordlength=32000
exp userid= RESUMABLE=
exp halim/halim resumable=Y
Resumable Name
exp halim/halim resumable_name 'halim'
Resumable Time Out
exp userid= RESUMABLE_TIMEOUT= DEFAULT 7200 (2 hours)
exp halim/halim resumable_timeout=18000
exp userid= ROWS=
exp halim/halim rows=N
exp userid=
exp halim/halim statistics=COMPUTE
exp userid= TABLES=(t1, t2, ... t#)
exp halim/halim tables=(emp, dept, bonus)
exp userid=
TABLESPACES=(tbsp1, tbsp2, ... tbsp#)
exp halim/halim tablespaces=(uwdata, user_data)
Transportable Tablespaces
exp halim/halim transport_tablespace=Y
exp userid= TRRIGGERS
exp halim/halim triggers=N
TTS Full Check
exp userid= TTS_FULL_CHECK
exp halim/halim tts_full_check=Y
Volume Size
exp userid= VOLSIZE [KB|MB|GB]
exp halim/halim volsize=10GB
Export backup script of oracle database
You can let Export prompt you for parameters by entering the EXP
command followed by your username/password:
Or, you can control how Export runs by entering the EXP command followed
by various arguments. To specify parameters, you use keywords:
Format: EXP KEYWORD=value or KEYWORD=(value1,value2,...,valueN)
or TABLES=(T1:P1,T1:P2), if T1 is partitioned table
USERID must be the first parameter on the command line.
Keyword Description (Default)
======= =====================
USERID- username/password
BUFFER- size of data buffer
FILE - output files (EXPDAT.DMP)
COMPRESS- import into one extent (Y)
GRANTS - export grants (Y)
INDEXES - export indexes (Y)
DIRECT - direct path (N)
LOG - log file of screen output
ROWS - export data rows (Y)
CONSISTENT - cross-table consistency(N)
FULL - export entire file (N)
OWNER - list of owner usernames
TABLES - list of table names
RECORDLENGTH - length of IO record
INCTYPE - incremental export type
RECORD- track incr. export (Y)
TRIGGERS- export triggers (Y)
STATISTICS- analyze objects (ESTIMATE)
PARFILE - parameter filename
CONSTRAINTS - export constraints (Y)
OBJECT_CONSISTENT- transaction set to read only during object export (N)
FEEDBACK - display progress every x rows (0)
FILESIZE - maximum size of each dump file
FLASHBACK_SCN - SCN used to set session snapshot back to
FLASHBACK_TIME - time used to get the SCN closest to the specified time
QUERY - select clause used to export a subset of a table
RESUMABLE - suspend when a space related error is encountered(N)
RESUMABLE_NAME - text string used to identify resumable statement
TTS_FULL_CHECK -perform full or partial dependency check for TTS
TABLESPACES - list of tablespaces to export
TRANSPORT_TABLESPACE- export transportable tablespace metadata (N)
TEMPLATE -template name which invokes iAS mode export
With Example
In CMD command line window.
Export help
exp -help
exp -help
Export user
exp userid=
exp halim/halim
Export File Name
exp userid=
exp halim/halim file=c:\emp\uw_test.dmp
Log File Name
exp userid=
exp halim/halim log=c:\emp.log
Buffer size -- O/S dependent and can usually be ignored
exp userid=
-- rows_in_array * maximum_row_size
exp halim/halim buffer=64000
Compress (default is Y) -- The default is Y and it is best to override it.
exp userid=
exp halim/halim compress=N
Consistent (default is N) -- Implements SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY
exp userid=
exp halim/halim file=c:\emp\cnsstnt.dmp consistent=Y
Constraints (default is Y)
exp userid=
exp halim/halim file=c:\emp\cnstrnt.dmp constraints=N
Direct Path (default is N)
exp userid=
exp halim/halim file=c:\emp\dirpath.dmp direct=Y
Feedback (default is 0)
exp userid=
exp halim/halim file=c:\emp\back.dmp feedback=100
File Size (default unlimited)
exp userid=
exp halim/halim file=c:\emp\size.dmp filesize 100MB
Flashback By SCN
exp userid=
exp halim/halim file=c:\emp\bscn.dmp flashback_scn=4567892
Flashback By Timestamp
exp userid=
exp halim/halim FLASHBACK_TIME="TIMESTAMP '2002-05-01 11:00:00'"
exp halim/halim flashback_time="TO_TIMESTAMP('12-02-2001 14:35:00','DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')"
Full -- Yes requires the user to have the EXP_FULL_DATABASE role
exp userid=
exp halim/halim full=Y
exp userid=
exp halim/halim grants=N
exp userid=
exp halim/halim indexes=N
Object Consistent
exp userid=
exp halim/halim object_consistent=Y
exp userid=
exp halim/halim owner=(halim, ids, webapps)
Parameter File
exp userid=
exp halim/halim parfile=c: emp\uwparfile.ctl
exp userid=
exp halim/halim owner=SCOTT tables=emp
query=\"WHERE job=\'MANAGER\' AND sal \>50000\"
exp scott/tiger@orcl file=C:/emp_depno.dmp tables=emp query=\"where deptno=10\"
Record Length
exp userid=
exp halim/halim recordlength=32000
exp userid=
exp halim/halim resumable=Y
Resumable Name
exp userid=
exp halim/halim resumable_name 'halim'
Resumable Time Out
exp userid=
exp halim/halim resumable_timeout=18000
exp userid=
exp halim/halim rows=N
exp userid=
exp halim/halim statistics=COMPUTE
exp userid=
exp halim/halim tables=(emp, dept, bonus)
exp userid=
TABLESPACES=(tbsp1, tbsp2, ... tbsp#)
exp halim/halim tablespaces=(uwdata, user_data)
Transportable Tablespaces
exp userid=
exp halim/halim transport_tablespace=Y
exp userid=
exp halim/halim triggers=N
TTS Full Check
exp userid=
exp halim/halim tts_full_check=Y
Volume Size
exp userid=
exp halim/halim volsize=10GB
export a table data with where clause condition in oracle
exp scott/tiger@orcl file=C:/emp_depno.dmp tables=emp query=\"where deptno=10\"
Monday, December 27, 2010
Oracle Enterprise manager not start after changing listener name or port.
Oracle Enterprise manager not start after changing listener name or port.
you can find in following file listener & port entries,
change it according to your new listener configurations.
you can find in following file listener & port entries,
change it according to your new listener configurations.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
what type of database google use?
Dears, have you any curious about "what type of database google use?" .
Google use primarily "A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data" Such as
Bigtable :- is a distributed storage system for managing
structured data that is designed to scale to a very large
size. . . for more download the document from here.
Google also use Oracle and Mysql database for their some applications.
any more information from you is highly appreciated .
Google use primarily "A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data" Such as
Bigtable :- is a distributed storage system for managing
structured data that is designed to scale to a very large
size. . . for more download the document from here.
Google also use Oracle and Mysql database for their some applications.
any more information from you is highly appreciated .
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