I know this is a very silly thing, but lots of student asking this question so many times specially in Windows 8, How can they add a user account to a group.
Lacking of this ORA_DBA group privileges , you will face following error message when you will try to log-in internally like
SQL > connect / as sysdba
so, you have to add your current OS user (oracle software installation OS user) to "ora_dba" group in windows (dba group in unix system).
1) Open CMD prompt window the administrative privileges.
To start a command prompt window with Windows Administrator privileges:
On your desktop, create a shortcut for the command prompt window. An icon for that shortcut appears on the desktop.
Right-click the icon for the newly created shortcut, and specify Run as administrator.
When you open this window, the title bar reads Administrator: Command Prompt. Commands run from within this window are run with Administrator privileges.
2) CMD commands to do that in Windows 8
--check the users
cmd> net user
--for checking the group
cmd> net localgroup
--add user111 to ora_dba group
cmd> net localgroup ora_dba your_oracle_user_name /add
--for help
cmd> net help localgroup
Lacking of this ORA_DBA group privileges , you will face following error message when you will try to log-in internally like
SQL > connect / as sysdba
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
so, you have to add your current OS user (oracle software installation OS user) to "ora_dba" group in windows (dba group in unix system).
1) Open CMD prompt window the administrative privileges.
To start a command prompt window with Windows Administrator privileges:
On your desktop, create a shortcut for the command prompt window. An icon for that shortcut appears on the desktop.
Right-click the icon for the newly created shortcut, and specify Run as administrator.
When you open this window, the title bar reads Administrator: Command Prompt. Commands run from within this window are run with Administrator privileges.
2) CMD commands to do that in Windows 8
--check the users
cmd> net user
--for checking the group
cmd> net localgroup
--add user111 to ora_dba group
cmd> net localgroup ora_dba your_oracle_user_name /add
--for help
cmd> net help localgroup