ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor
Your problem is solved after bellows two step
1. Regestration you Listener from Dynamically to static like below.
Make a listerner.ora for you database with your DB Information.
(ORACLE_HOME = H:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1)
(SID_NAME = orcl)
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = hp-bb88068f9f5d)(PORT = 1521))
then stop and start the listener.
The data within the SID_DESC section is written about instance is referred to as 'static information' for that instance.
Note : [all static information in the listener.ora is overwritten when the instance is dynamically registered with the listener.]
2. increase PROCESSES parameter in the initSID.ora file or in spfile like
see your alert_log file first.
SQL> alter system set processes = 400 scope=spfile;
reboot the database.
Everything Changes
2 weeks ago
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