Recover table from RMAN backup after droping it? is it possible? how can i do it?
Recovery will always rollforward yours backup from the time you crash the database.Like
Step 1
You created table
Step 2
Full backup
Step 3
Drop table
Step 1 will goes to yours backup file but step 3 goes to redo log
When you recover database
Step 1
Recover table again due to yours backup file
Step 3
Drop table will due to apply yours redo.
incomplete recovery ( just before to the drop table) can recover your table from RMAN backup.
so from RMAN backup one table recovery has No direct methods available.
You can recover /duplcate the database to anther database with RMAN backup
or incomplete recovery before the drop table command
Export the concerned table from the restored/duplicated database to the database you want.
use flashback (in oracle 10g) for indivisual table recovery purpose.
RMAN TSPITR is most useful for recovering the following:
An erroneous DROP TABLE or TRUNCATE TABLE statement
A table that has become logically corrupted
An incorrect batch job or other DML statement that has affected only a subset of the database
A logical schema to a point different from the rest of the physical database when multiple schemas exist in separate tablespaces of one physical database
RMAN is suitable for media recovery.
imp dump file is a data and metadata backup not database backup
it will no longer be furitful when you will have corruption in yours datafiles.
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2 weeks ago
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