Friday, August 5, 2011

oracle database alert log shows one of ASM Diskgroup Gets Mounted/Dismounted, is it normal behavior ?

such as alert log contents follow............

SUCCESS: diskgroup ASMDISKG4 was mounted
SUCCESS: diskgroup ASMDISKG4 was dismounted
SUCCESS: diskgroup ASMDISKG4 was mounted
SUCCESS: diskgroup ASMDISKG4 was dismounted
SUCCESS: diskgroup ASMDISKG4 was mounted
Fri Jun 10 05:15:40 2011
SUCCESS: diskgroup ASMDISKG4 was dismounted
Fri Jun 10 05:23:45 2011
Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 985477
Current log# 1 seq# 985477 mem# 0: +ASMDISKG1/halimdb/redo01.log
Current log# 1 seq# 985477 mem# 1: +ASMDISKG2/halimdb/redo01db.log
Fri Jun 10 05:23:46 2011
SUCCESS: diskgroup ASMDISKG4 was mounted
SUCCESS: diskgroup ASMDISKG4 was dismounted
SUCCESS: diskgroup ASMDISKG4 was mounted
SUCCESS: diskgroup ASMDISKG4 was dismounted
SUCCESS: diskgroup ASMDISKG4 was mounted


This is expected behavior. The messages you see are not errors (that is why they are prefixed with "SUCCESS"). The database instance is creating and then closing archive logs one at a time in the "ASMDISKG4" disk group. Whenever a database closes its last file in a disk group, it dismounts the disk group. Whenever a database accesses a disk group when it does not have any other files open in the disk group, it mounts the disk group.

If you do not want to see the log messages frequently, you can put a mirrored control-file, or mirrored online redo, or dummy online tablespace data file on the diskgroup. This message will not be output frequently in this case. Because CKPT keeps opening a control-file, LGWR keeps opening an online redo, DBW keeps opening an online tablespace data file. So, the diskgroup is not dismounted until the database shutdown.

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